
The NTF III Bangladesh project* and the Nyenrode Business University

The NTF III Bangladesh project* and the Nyenrode Business University organize in cooperation with the Dutch Embassy in Dhaka a trade mission for Dutch IT & ITES companies that are considering to outsource IT and BPO activities to Bangladeshi service providers.

The trade mission aims to establish business linkages between Dutch and Bangladeshi companies by facilitating individual B2B meetings on the basis of matching business interests. The trade mission will also allow participants to visit Bangladeshi service providers as a follow-up on contacts made during the B2B MatchMaking.


The International Trade Centre (ITC) and the Dutch Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing Countries (CBI) have been cooperating for decades. This cooperation has most recently been embodied in a series of programmes called Netherlands Trust Fund I (NTF I), which ended in 2009, and Netherlands Trust Fund II (NTF II), which started in 2009 and ended June 2013.
The Export Sector Competitiveness Programme (ESCP) also called Netherlands Trust Fund phase III Programme (NTFIII) aims to enhance export competitiveness of selected sectors in selected countries.
In the case of the NTFIII Bangladesh project, the project aims to enhance the export competitiveness of the Information Technology (IT) and IT-enabled services (ITES) industry in Bangladesh and generate new export revenues for the sector. To achieve this outcome, the project will:

  • Firstly, improve the capacity of beneficiary TSIs in providing services to export-oriented SMEs in the IT & ITES industry
  • Secondly, increase sustainably the export capacity of IT & ITES SMEs
  • Thirdly, the project will expand business linkages in selected target markets

For more information, please see http://www.intracen.org/itc/projects/ntf-3/


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